Luoreping Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by Xie Jiarong and Zao Yazen in 1925. The type section is located at the hill, east of Dazhongba (Luoerping), Fenxiang, about 40 km north of the Yichang City seat, Hubei Province (Figure 1).
[Figure 1 the Luoreping Formation at the type section in Dazhongba, Yichang City, Hubei Province]
Synonym: (罗惹坪组); Lojoping Fm
Lithology and Thickness
It is subdivided into a Lower Penjiayuan member; and an Upper Luoreping member. The Penjiayuan member, 136 m thick, is mainly composed of yellowish grayish green pelite and silty pelite, intercalated with knotty or thin-bedded marl. The Luoreping member, 138 m thick at the type section area, is dominated by yellow green thin-bedded calcareous siltstone and silty pelite intercalated with blue gray thin-bedded limestone and marl (Figure 2).
[Figure 2 the Pentamerid bed in the Luoreping Fm]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
The Penjiayuan member is in continuous sedimentation relation with the underlying Longmaxi Fm
Upper contact
The Luoreping member is in conformable contact with the overlying Shamao Fm
Regional extent
The Luoreping Fm is steady in lithology and exposed mainly in west Hubei Province; the thickness of the formation varies from 270 m to 900 m.
The Penjiayuan member bears minor graptolites Pristiograptus regularis, Pseudoglyptograptus retroversus; brachiopods Dolerorthis, Isorthis, Merciella, “Stricklandia”, Meifodia, Zygospiraella, etc.; trilobites Ptilillaenus, Kosovopeltis, Encrinuroides, Scotoharpes, Songkania; and anthozoa Densiphylloides. The Luoreping member is rich in shelly fossils and yields abundant corals Onychophyllum, Pycnactis, Palaeophyllum, Rhizophyllum, Halysites, Favosites, etc.; brachiopods Isorthis, “Stricklandia”, Stricklandiella, Kulumbella, “Pentamerus”, Pleurodium, Lissatrypa; trilobite Ptilillaenus, Kosovopeltis, Scutellum, etc.; nautiloid Yichangoceras and graptolite Monoclimacis arcuata, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information